Tic Tac Toe Cushion

Alyce Blyth has created this gorgeous Tic Tac Toe Cushion, in pink to help us “Pink up October” and help us Support The McGrath Foundation Nurses. Make your own today and donate it to The McGrath Foundation Nurse in your area, to give to Breast Cancer Patients. – The AccuQuilt Australia team.

X marks the cuddly spot on this cushion! Choose your favourite prints with contrast.The cushion finishes at 18” x 18”; individual blocks should measure 9.5” x 9.5”.


  1. AccuQuilt GO! Big, GO! Cutter or GO! Baby Cutter Fabric Starter Set
  2. AQ55006 GO! Square – 3 ½” (3” finished)
  3. AQ55022 GO! Square 2” (1 ½” finished)
  4. AQ55137 GO! Cutting Mat 6 x 6
  5. 2 fat quarters prints
  6. 1 fat quarter background fabric
  7. 1 fat quarter cushion lining
  8. 1 fat quarter backing fabric
  9. 50cm x 50cm batting
  10. 45cm (18”) cushion insert
  11. Rotary mat, cutter and ruler
  12. General sewing equipment

Cutting Instructions:

    • Cut three 4.5” x 19” rectangles
      • cut forty-eight 2” squares
    • Cut one 4” x 16” rectangle
      • cut four 3 ½” squares
  1. From print two:
    • Cut four 4” x 16” rectangle
      • cut sixteen 3 ½” squares
  2. From background fabric:
    • Cut four 4” x 16” rectangle
      • cut sixteen 3 ½” squares
  3. From the backing fabric:
    • cut two 13” x 18 ½” rectangles

Sewing Instructions

NOTE: All seams are ¼“, (6mm), unless otherwise specified
  1. On the wrong side of each 2” square, draw a diagonal line from one corner to the opposite.
  2. Place one 2” right-sides together in the corner of a print two 3 ½” square. Sew along the line and trim off the corners 1/4″ from the seam. Press towards print two. Repeat for all print two squares.
  1. Repeat the process from step two for the background squares and remaining 2” squares for two adjacent corners, pressing seams towards the print.
  1. Arrange four units from step 2, four units from step 3, and one 3 ½” print one square to create the Tic Tac Toe block. Sew into rows, pressing seams away from the background squares. Sew the rows together and press seams toward the centre row. Make four blocks.
Go Pink Tic Tac Toe quilt block with AccuQuilt Australia by BlossomHeartQuilts.com
  1. Sew the blocks into pairs, then sew the pairs together, pressing seams open.
  2. Baste the cushion top using the batting and cushion lining. Quilt as desired. The pattern sample used a white thread to quilt 1/4” away from the seams in all the background pieces.
  3. Hem one long edge on each backing fabric piece by folding the edge over 1/2″ and press. Fold it over again and press. Sew along the edge to secure the folded hem.
  4. Place one backing fabric piece right-sides together with the quilted cushion top. Place the other backing fabric piece right-sides together – there should be an overlap of the backing fabric pieces by approximately 6”.
  5. Sew 1/4″ around the cushion, backstitching over the places where the hems meet the cushion top to safely secure them. Fold the cushion cover right-side out and stuff in the cushion insert.
  6.  Send your completed cushion for donation to the McGrath foundation to: Blessington Pty Ltd, PO box 254 Seven Hills NSW 1730.

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