*OK – So I may have made my own version of Glitter Block here. 🙂 Have some of your own fun now rearranging the units
Block Sewing Instructions:
- Pin and sew one red 3” finished triangle in square (TIS) sides to each side of a maroon 3” finished kite centre as shown. Press seams open. Make two kite units.
- Pin and sew pink 1½” finished half square triangle (HST) to two sides of a red 1½” finished square as shown. Press seams towards the HST. Make two units.
- Pin and sew one pink 3” finished HST to combine HST unit as shown. Press seams towards the 3” finished pink HST. Make two quarter block units
- Lay out quarter blocks as shown. Pin and sew two quarter blocks together into half blocks as shown. Press seams open. Make two half blocks.
- Pin and sew half blocks together to complete the block. Press seams open.