GO! Dies used, Number Of Shapes and Fabric Requirements:

Additional Fabric and Cutting Requirements:
- 3/4 YARD (70CM) Chambray for lining, pockets and handles
- Cut two 15 ½ in x 11 ½ in rectangles (lining),
- Cut four 6 ½ in square (pockets),
- Cut two 3 in x 22in strips (handles).
- 1/6 YARD (15CM) Lightweight fusible interfacing
- Cut two 3 in x 22in strips (handles).
- 1/2 YARD (45CM) inn control / bag batting
- Cut two 16 in x 14in rectangles.
- Magnetic clasp
Sewing Instructions:
- Pin and sew each chambray half-square triangle to a coloured half-square triangle. Press the seams towards the darker fabric. Make 40 half-square-triangle units.
- Layout the half-square-triangle units into two sets of 20 units. Lay each group into four rows of five units making sure the colours run diagonally through the rows.
- Stitch the half-square-triangle units together into rows. Press the seams in alternate rows in opposite directions.
- Sew the rows together abutting the seam intersections as you go. Repeat to make two outer bag rectangles.
- Pin the completed outer bags to the bag batting rectangles. Use a matching thread to quilt as desired.
- Trim the excess batting. Pin and stitch the two outer bag rectangles together around three sides, leaving the top open.
- Box the bottom of the bag by stitching a 3in triangle across both corners, matching side seam to base seam. Trim excess fabric leaving a ½ in seam.
Pockets, Handles and Lining:
- Pair the 6 ½ in squares for the pockets with right sides together. Stitch around all four sides leaving a 2in gap for turning. Turn the pockets through then stitch in place, centred on each lining rectangle.
- Attach the magnetic clasp as per manufacturer’s instructions.
- Fuse the lightweight interfacing to the chambray handles. Press the handles in half lengthways, open out, then press a ½ in hem along both long sides. Press handle in half lengthways again, matching the open pressed edges. Topstitch with matching thread down both long edges and through the centre of each handle. Pin and baste the handles in place 1in from either side of the centre half-square-triangle on the outer bag. Ensure the handles are not twisted.
- Pin and sew the two lining rectangles together around three sides, leaving a 3in gap along one side for turning.
- Box the bottom corners of the lining in the same manner as for the outer bag.
- Turn the lining inside out and insert into the outer bag with right sides together. Stitch around the top edge using a ½ in seam. Double stitch across the handles for strength.
- Turn the bag through the gap in the lining and press. Hand sew the opening closed
- Topstitch around the top of the bag using matching thread.